Advanced forensic expertise training certificate

Nombre d'heures de formation
20 hoursResponsable(s) pédagogique(s)
Expertise judiciaire
The advanced training certificate enables registered experts to meet the training obligation with a view to their five-year re-registration on the lists.
Description of the training
According to article 10-2° of the decree of 23 December 2004, the application for registration or re-registration on the list of legal experts approved by the Court of Appeal “shall be accompanied by all documents enabling the assessment of the knowledge acquired of the guiding principles of the trial and the rules of procedure applicable to the investigative measures entrusted to a technician, as well as the training that he has undergone in these fields”.
The training programme is linked to current legal developments and varies each year. Candidates are encouraged to attend the course for several consecutive years, so as to be able to accumulate a significant amount of teaching time and to demonstrate detailed knowledge.
The lectures cover :
- A range of topics related to forensic science that complement basic training,
- Current issues and updates necessary for the exercise of the expert function.
The teaching team is made up of professionals (judges, lawyers, experts, etc.) and university professors, which guarantees a diversity and complementarity of theoretical skills and field experience.
The courses are illustrated by the presentation and study of real cases.
Target skills
- Knowledge of the French judicial system
Knowledge of the structures of civil, criminal and administrative jurisdictions
Mastery of the procedures before these jurisdictions
Ability to implement them
- Mastery of the procedures of judicial expertise
Knowledge of the social, ethical and fiscal constraints applicable to the profession
Implementation of the successive stages of an expertise, integrating into the process the respect of fundamental rights and particularly the principle of adversarial proceedings
Drafting of an expert report
The objective of the course is to enable :
- Registered experts to meet the obligation of continuous training and to apply for their five-yearly re-registration on the official lists of approved legal experts,
- Applicant experts, whatever their field of expertise, to meet the training requirements laid down by the decree to obtain approval as a court-appointed expert.