Entry to the 4th year via the Khâgne / BEL procedure

Frais de dossier
60 euros (30 euros for scholarship holders)
Période d'inscription

Date des épreuves
Public Law, Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology, Arts and Letters / Admissions Center
The Institutes of Political Studies of Lille, Lyon, as well as Sciences Po Aix offer an access route to the master’s cycle for students in literary preparatory classes. This access route is in addition to the existing ones that are maintained.
Conditions of access
This access route concerns candidates to the BEL (Banque d’Epreuves Littéraires) who, at the end of the tests, will be declared eligible or under-eligible for the Écoles Normales Supérieures (ENS). Candidates registered at Sciences Po Aix via the BEL cannot register for the classic admission procedure for the master’s cycle. Students are invited to opt for one or the other of these two access routes.
Sciences Po Aix sets, on the basis of the marks obtained by candidates at the BEL, an eligibility bar corresponding to three times the number of places offered for recruitment by this route (up to 20 places).
Candidates who are declared eligible are called for a motivation interview. The jury checks that the candidates’ profile matches that of the specialities or Masters requested.
Application procedures
Candidates must register online and pay the registration fee on the BEL website.
Candidates will not be able to make any changes after their registration. Any changes (e.g. address) must be communicated by e-mail to the following address: accueil.scolarite@sciencespo-aix.fr.
Candidates who are declared eligible for the motivation interview should send the following documents by e-mail to accueil.scolarite@sciencespo-aix.fr
- A curriculum vitae,
- A letter of motivation detailing a training project and/or a professional project.
NB: Candidates who have been admitted to Sciences Po Aix will keep their admission for one year. This will only be definitive after an additional year to validate a L3.