Annual Policy Studies Program (PEPA)

Durée de la formation
1 yearSciences Po Aix welcomes many international students from five continents. This attractiveness stems from its renowned teaching in the humanities and social sciences: political science, international relations, law, economics and management, history, media and communication, sociology, arts and culture, literature, civilizations, anthropology, foreign languages.
Description of the training
This programme is intended for students who wish to take courses in a more flexible way, over one year. The PEPA consists of a combination of lectures (4 ECTS each) and seminars (5 ECTS) to be chosen from the course catalogue for international students. It is not possible to choose more than two seminars per semester. The maximum number of credits is set at 34 per semester, according to the choice of the student and with the agreement of his home university.
This programme is not a university certificate, however a transcript of marks and credits obtained is issued to students and sent to their home university at the end of each academic period.
Students have the opportunity to follow courses specifically dedicated to them, including French as a Foreign Language (FLE), French civilization and methodology, but also to choose courses from a wide range of courses delivered to French students of the institution, which allows them to pursue a rich and optimal academic mobility.
Competencies targeted
- Analyze contemporary societal issues in a multidisciplinary approach
- Develop autonomy, adaptability in a new socio-cultural environment
- Communicate in writing and orally in French
- Moving in an intercultural environment, a factor of open-mindedness and flexibility
- Adapting to change and a new way of operating by appropriating country codes
International mobility is an instrument of civic education, professional and social integration and promotes the development of international cooperation. It is a decisive step towards the acquisition of proven bilingualism and allows students to refine their post-curricular projects in the light of this valuable international experience. The skills acquired during this mobility are directly valuable and highly appreciated by the professional world. Cultural and social immersion contributes to the open-mindedness as well as the individual construction of students.