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Financing your studies

For any scholarship or accommodation questions, contact 09 72 59 65 13 or write to messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr

Crous grant on social criteria

Allocated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and managed by the CROUS, these scholarships based on social criteria are granted to students under 28 years of age on 1 September of the year of enrolment, depending on the social situation of their family. The CROUS grant is complementary to the family’s grant and cannot replace the parents’ obligations.

CROUS assistance for Parcoursup mobility

A €500 grant, which can be combined with other grants, may be awarded to high school students with scholarships in 2020/2021, who have entered Sciences Po Aix and accepted an admission offer for a course outside their academy of residence on Parcoursup

FSDIE Social Solidarity Fund

The Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Etudiante (FSDIE) is intended to finance projects run by student associations whose objective is to address other students and the university community as a priority, and to provide social assistance to students in difficulty. This fund is financed by the CVEC.

One or two campaigns per year with the completion of a fund application form approved by a CROUS social worker before being submitted to the student life centre for examination.

International mobility assistance

In order to help you finance your stay abroad, several mobility grants are available. Mobility aid is a form of support but, in the vast majority of cases, it does not allow you to finance your stay in full. Studying abroad can represent a significant cost, so we advise you to prepare your budget carefully before you leave

Four types of grant

Aid for international mobility financed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for scholarship students on social criteria who carry out academic mobility abroad for 2 to 9 months.

The amount of the AMI scholarship is €400/month.

There is no AMI scholarship for gap year students

For mobility in one of the countries of the E.U. or in Turkey. Duration of internship at least 60 days and duration of academic mobility at least 90 days

Internships in European institutions are not eligible for the ERASMUS+ grant
The envelope allocated to the IEP being limited, the ERASMUS scholarship is reserved mainly for 3rd year students. Additional supplements can be paid in support of inclusion and Eco-responsibility.

There is no ERASMUS scholarship for CESURE students.

Scholarship funded by the Franco-German University, for students enrolled in the Franco-German course between Sciences Po Aix and the University of Freiburg.

The amount of the scholarship is €300 per month. Students on the Franco-German course can benefit from this scholarship during their semester at the host university.

Program of the South PACA Region to help with international mobility Internships for students aged under 30 on 31/12/2023, who justify a family quotient not exceeding €26,000 and who are doing an internship on an eligible territory: Countries all over the world except France (metropolitan and overseas territories) and the Principalities of Monaco and Andorra.


The amount of the internship grant is €125 per full week of internship if the student has tax residence in the SOUTH Region and €100 per full week if the tax residence is outside the SOUTH Region.

An additional package of €400 is allocated to students with disabilities

The duration of the internship must be between 8 and 20 weeks

See the conditions of allocation, selection and payment on maregionsud.fr

5th year students doing an internship will be positioned, as far as possible, on PRAME scholarships from the SUD region

Regional Assistance Program for Student Mobility of the South Region for academic mobility, for students aged under 30 on 31/12/2023, who justify a family allowance not exceeding €26,000 and who carry out an internship of one or two semesters of study abroad outside the European Union, France (metropolitan and overseas territories) and the principalities of Monaco and Andorra. The amounts are the same as for the PRAME Internships aid (within the limit of the envelope allocated to each institution)

See the conditions of allocation, selection and payment on maregionsud.fr

State-guaranteed student loan

The state-guaranteed student loan allows French students or citizens of a European Economic Area country to borrow from a partner bank to finance their studies, without having to provide the bank with a guarantee from a relative or proof of income. The amount and duration of the loan are determined by the bank granting it, up to €20,000. BPI France info

Student jobs

Throughout the academic year, students are offered student jobs via the Sciences Po Aix Carrières platform, which allow them to obtain additional resources to finance their studies .

From June onwards, a call for applications is published on the Sciences Po Aix recruitment platform, offering tutor positions in various departments of the institution. Submission of applications

Emergency assistance

A national telephone number dedicated to assistance: 0 806 000 278. Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, at the price of a local call, not surcharged, to be informed about the different types of aid and the steps to take with the CROUS.

The CROUS offers financial aid to all students with and without grants who are in a precarious financial situation throughout the academic year. You must make an appointment with the Crous social workers