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Air and Space School entrance exam

Admission requirements Access to the 4th year competition is open to candidates holding a licence or an equivalent qualification at level 6. The number of places offered for the competition…


The Wine Club organises sophisticated wine tastings every month. Between refinement and conviviality, they also offer themed evenings….


Every week, Aix UN organises simulated United Nations assemblies. They allow students to represent the country of their choice during geopolitical debates at the heart of international news. The association…

Master in Public Careers

…to the INSP, INET, ENM, the school for army commissioners, the school for national gendarmerie officers, the school for police commissioners, the EN3S and the competitive examination for hospital directors….


Welcome to the Sciences Po Aix website! Do you want to post a job, internship or work-study offer for Sciences Po Aix students and graduates? Would you like to become…