Defense in 180 seconds for the interpromo meeting of the Master in News Professions

Back to the news Defense in 180 seconds for the interpromo meeting of the Master Professions of the info prevnext•• For the seventh consecutive year, the interpromo meeting of the master "Information and Communication Professions" brought together at the Espace Philippe Séguin the current students in Master 2 and their predecessors. The event was held on Friday, October 7, 2022 from 2:30 pm to 7 pm. A beautiful meeting that was even extended by an improvised afterwork.
The meeting began with the collective defenses of former students in two groups per Master’s course, namely “Information professions: communication, lobbying, media” and “Journalism professions and international issues”. The challenge? Restore in 180 seconds top time, in the form of podcast, video or stand-up, their Master 2 research thesis. Magali Nonjon, a member of the master’s teaching team, explains the professionalizing approach of this approach: “It is not easy to reduce a research paper in 180 seconds and offer it in such a format, it allows the incoming class to discover the transformations of the professional sector of activity they target, whether journalism or communication. After each defense, discussions were held on various topics such as journalistic practices, journalistic ethics, the independence of the media, but also non-governmental organizations, Corporate Social Responsibility, as well as the practice of lobbying.
The two Master’s courses then came together to talk about internship research and entry into the job market. Many tips were given on this occasion by the Master 2 of the Saint-Exupéry promotion: do not hesitate to relaunch your applications, highlight our research theses, but also bet on the originality of your cover letter… A small detail can make a difference. Enough to motivate students in their projects.
This afternoon of exchanges ended with a convivial moment around a generous buffet, which was an opportunity to ask more specific questions to everyone about their professional experiences. This event was also an opportunity for Master’s alumni to return one last time to Sciences Po Aix as students, before their careers were dedicated during the graduation ceremony. A happy moment tinged with nostalgia shared by the teachers, as Ms. Nonjon explains: “It was important for us to see the students again, to know a little about what they were becoming.»

This opportunity for sharing between students, conquered year after year by this approach, is made possible by the master’s teaching team, composed of Magali Nonjon, lecturer in political science at Sciences Po Aix, Alexandre Joux, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, former director of EJCAM, and Samuel Goeta, Doctor in sociology and associate lecturer in the master since the start of the 2020 academic year. An event that could not have been organized without the support of school administrators, Lucie Rivoire (EJCAM) and Sadia Ichen (Sciences Po Aix).
Discover below several testimonials:
Juliette Bonnin, currently in Master 2 “Information professions: communication, lobbying, media”: “It was very interesting to discuss with people who are only one year different from us in their careers, and who yet have a path already well provided thanks to their internship and their entry into the professional market. It is very rewarding to know how they found an internship, a job, and to know the sectors in which they work. »
Sophie Boutière, currently in Master 2 “Journalism professions and international issues”: “The defense of the dissertations was nice with this very interactive format.We were able to talk to those who have been to where we are today. They can refer us, which really comes at the right time because we are currently looking for an internship.»
Klara Durand, former student of the Master 2 “Journalism professions and international issues”: “The timed time to present your thesis is the right one I think, and the following exchange is very nice to deepen. It was also good to have a visual presentation of our respective internships so that people could come and ask us more specific questions afterwards. This meeting helped me a lot last year. I was able to obtain clarifications and advice that we were able to pass on again this year.»