Master European policies and transnational action

Nombre d'heures de formation
835 hours
Durée de la formation
2 years
Coût de la formation
Price of the national master's degree, indicative for the year 2022/23, 243 eurosResponsable(s) pédagogique(s)
Philippe ALDRIN
Political Science, Social Sciences, Law, Economics
Phone : 04 65 04 71 03
The master’s degree in European policies and transnational action prepares future public affairs executives in the European area for concrete public governance. The courses are organized by Sciences Po Aix and the diploma is issued under the double seal of Aix-Marseille University and the State.
Description of the course
In a world where all public action simultaneously has a localized dimension and an international perspective, this Master’s programme trains future professionals in public governance, focusing on learning decision-making techniques and strategies in a context where public affairs are shaped by transnational dynamics.
Today, the production of public action is no longer the prerogative of state authorities alone. It pits the institutions of power – whether international, national or local – against a plurality of non-governmental actors: NGOs, civil society, experts, socio-economic actors, cultural operators, etc.
The course includes two options:
- EUROPE / European project engineering, lobbying and advocacy
- EUROMED / Euro-Mediterranean project engineering and decentralised cooperation
Targeted skills
- Mastering the decision-making processes and the challenges of multi-level governance in the European context
- Appreciate the stakes and risks in the context of choices and/or decision-making
- Mastering European regulations and monitoring their application
- Know the issues of public communication and the acceptability of public decisions
- Mastering qualitative (interviews, observation) and quantitative (databases) social science methodologies
- Conduct a project (design, steering, team coordination, implementation and management, evaluation, dissemination)
- Implement lobbying techniques to participate in the definition of the orientations of public action mechanisms
- Mastering decision-making tools (information watch, position papers, strategic recommendations, analysis notes)
- Master the tools of influence strategy: networking, advocacy, lobbying
Job opportunities
- Research officer, mission manager, project manager in the international departments of public operators
- Research officer, mission manager, project manager in the international public affairs departments of private organisations or associations
- Project manager for international development (Europe, Mediterranean)
- Strategy advisor in the European and/or Euro-Mediterranean area (culture, environment, urban planning, social, education…)
- Advocacy adviser, policy officer in NGOs
Training organization
The EUROPE / Engineering of European projects, lobbying and advocacy option, accessible from the master 2, aims to train specialists in Europe who master the techniques and strategies of decision-making, lobbying and advocacy, in a context where public affairs are shaped by transnational dynamics. They apprehend the multiple tensions and constraints exerted on public decision-making processes. They understand the moral and material evolutions of societies that public decisions intend to regulate and know how to handle new knowledge and instruments of government in the context of the European environment.
The EUROMED / Engineering of Euro-Mediterranean projects and decentralized cooperation option, accessible from Master 2, aims to train specialists in the Euro-Mediterranean area who master the techniques and strategies of decision-making and modes of cooperation, in a context where public affairs are shaped by transnational dynamics. They apprehend the multiple tensions and constraints exerted on public decision-making processes. They understand the moral and material evolutions of societies that public decisions intend to regulate and know how to handle new knowledge and instruments of government in the context of the Euro-Mediterranean environment.