Home Formations International expertise

International expertise

Economy Political sciences International relations , Initial training Cooperative training course

Nombre d'heures de formation

758 heures

Durée de la formation

2 ans

Coût de la formation

Tarif du diplôme national de master, à titre indicatif pour l'année 2022/23, 243 euros

Responsable(s) pédagogique(s)

Phone : 04 65 04 71 02

Description of the course

The course aims to master the issues and challenges of market globalisation and the internationalisation of companies, or the codes of diplomatic expertise and methodologies that facilitate decision-making and action on an international scale, depending on the option chosen.

The Master’s programme combines high-level scientific training in business and international relations within a multidisciplinary analytical framework (political science, economics, management) and the professionalization of students through the completion of expert or evaluation work in the form of internships, reports, projects or finalized analyses, enabling students to prepare for careers in international expertise.

The course comprises three options:

  • Expertise in international affairs
  • Expertise in international relations
  • Expertise in international affairs in a sandwich course TEST2

Targeted skills

  • Follow the world geopolitical context by analysing the issues and phenomena brought about by globalisation
  • Understand and compare the economic, political, cultural and legal systems of nations or geographical areas
  • Master the analysis of country risk and evaluate the risks linked to geopolitics and international economic mechanisms
  • Conduct projects or manage crisis situations in an international environment and/or in a multicultural context
  • Know the codes and protocols of international relations and master the workings of diplomatic expertise
  • Conduct a project (design, steering, team coordination, implementation and management, evaluation, dissemination)
  • Write specifications, reports, summaries and reports
  • Building an entrepreneurial project and drawing up a business plan

Job opportunities

This Master’s degree aims to train students for jobs involving international interface, auditing, evaluation or expertise, but also for operational functions.
The job opportunities for the Expertise in international business option are mainly in companies involved in international markets (international business manager, international bidding manager, risk or project evaluation manager, etc.), but also in auditing or consulting firms
For the Expertise in international relations option, they are also located within companies, but above all among NGOs, international organisations, audit or consultancy firms, or embassies.

Training organization


The Expertise in International Affairs option prepares students for all functions related to the globalization of economies. Intended for future multi-skilled managers, the training includes lessons to identify and analyze the challenges of globalization in economic, financial and technological matters, while providing an apprenticeship in the basic instruments of international expertise.


The Expertise in International Relations option prepares students for professions linked to international relations. The course includes lessons devoted to the challenges of globalization in political, diplomatic or economic matters, and offers learning methodologies that facilitate decision-making and action on an international scale.


Backed by the Expertise in international affairs option, this work-study course from the master 2 offers fundamental lessons with an economic focus centered on the issues and challenges of the globalization of markets and the internationalization of companies. It allows the student to acquire the methodologies of evaluation and expertise that contribute to the international development of the company, as well as the skills allowing him to master the different functionalities of the company and the characteristics specific to the management of organisations.Work-study training (under a professionalization contract or under an apprenticeship contract) is organized over a period of 12 months, at the rate of fourteen weeks of lessons, according to a average pace of two weeks in the company and two weeks of teaching from September to November, then one week of teaching and three weeks in the company from December.