Human Resources Certificate: HR School

Nombre d'heures de formation
140 heures
Durée de la formation
1 year
Coût de la formation
5500 €This certificate is aimed at human resources managers who are faced with the challenges inherent in a changing, uncertain environment, but also a source of opportunities for self-fulfilment and for restoring meaning and social ties.
Description of the course
The “human resources” function must accompany, if not anticipate, the major fundamental changes that have been taking place for several years and that are having a profound effect on human and social relations in companies. The phenomena induced by the financialisation and globalisation of the economy, which are omnipresent in the reality of the functioning of these organisations, generate new dimensions within their missions which require an adaptation of human resources skills.
It is therefore essential to decode, assimilate and analyse the challenges of the function before thinking about the tools. The proposed human resources training course therefore has this vocation. It is aimed at human resources managers who are confronted with the challenges inherent in a changing, uncertain environment, but also a source of opportunities for self-fulfilment and for restoring meaning and social ties
The training cycle favours the interactive method and is based on the intervention of teacher-researchers and company professionals, most often human resources managers, who are experts in the fields concerned. Most of the teaching units are built on the basis of joint facilitation. This pedagogical system must allow, on the one hand, the mastery of tools for reflection and analysis in relation to the issues dealt with and, on the other hand, the integration of a level of reading based on field experience, leading the trainees to establish operational bridges between theory and practice.
Targeted competences
- Knowledge of the business environment
Analysis of the cultural and regulatory environment, at local and international levels
Understanding of institutional and economic constraints
- Management of human resources
Analyse an organisation
Developing leadership skills
Managing conflict and cultural diversity and using them to strengthen employee motivation
- Change management
Knowing the regulatory framework,
Knowing the tools for change
Encouraging innovation and stimulating creativity
- Financial dimension of human resources
Analysing the impact of the wage bill on the company’s costs
Managing social costs
Optimising the profitability of the HR policy
The objective of the course is to provide human resources managers with answers to the following two questions:
- How to develop the capacity to manage the multiple constraints they face?
- How to provide them with the full range of up-to-date skills required to expand their field of responsibility?
Organisation de la formation
UE 1
1) International and geopolitical issues (2 days / 14h)
- International issues: actors, events, problems
- The elements of geopolitics, a reading grid that can be transposed to the human resources manager
2) Institutional and economic environment (3 days / 21h)
- Institutional structures, principles of organization and action, issues of territorial dynamics as a strategic asset for the company
- The crisis, its causes, the euro zone and French specificities
UE 2
1) Theory and sociology of organizations (2 days / 14h)
- The concept of organization
- Organizational logics and structure
- Organizational culture
2) Leadership (1 day / 7h)
- Forms of leadership: building blocks and processes of action
- Change: modalities, effects, dimensions, communication, conflicts, collective dynamics
3) Intercultural management (2 days / 14h)
- Cultures, identities, representations
- Approaches to intercultural situations
- The management of cultural diversity
4). Individual and collective conflict management (2 days / 14h)
- The psychological dimension in the conflict
- Relationship conflicts in the workplace
UE 3
1) Change management and human resources (4 days / 28h)
- The legal and behavioral approach:
Phase 1: Merger-acquisition and role of the “human resources” function
Phase 2: Optimization of processes and organization (“Lean HR”) - The “human resources” approach:
“Leading and living change”: the tools of change
2) Innovation (2 days / 14h)
- The different types of innovation
- Innovation processes
- Creativity: conditions, approaches and tools
UE 4
1) Financial dimension and “human resources” function (2 days / 14h)
- The basic financial elements
- Analysis of the impact of payroll in the accounts and balance sheets
- Managing social costs
- Management control applied to the “human resources” function