
Why choose Sciences Po Aix?
- To specialise in courses of study with aEuropean andinternational focus.
- To become a competent leader in your political, economic and culturalenvironment
- To succeed in the renowned and selective competitive examinations for senior public administration.
Students choose Sciences Po Aix for all these reasons and many more, because, in addition to its academic courses which combine fundamental and advanced knowledge and applications, our School has a constantly renewed ambition: to help students understand the major issues of anincreasingly complex worldin order to prepare their professional future as well as possible. This is why Sciences Po Aix has also forged close links with the business world and its professions.
Combiningacademic excellence with the democratization of knowledge, Sciences Po Aix is a springboard for training citizens with real expertise in the fields of administration, culture, journalism, business and politics.