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…Quitterie quitterie.lataste@gmail.com // 07 69 16 13 70 The Pôle Génération shares moments with the elderly of Aix-en-Provence around cultural outings, computer courses and other leisure activities. These intergenerational moments…


…an extraordinary complexity and richness. The Media, Geopolitics and Culture departments initiate numerous projects and events in order to cover subjects combining analysis of current events and issues specific to…


Every week, Aix UN organises simulated United Nations assemblies. They allow students to represent the country of their choice during geopolitical debates at the heart of international news. The association…


The Wine Club organises sophisticated wine tastings every month. Between refinement and conviviality, they also offer themed evenings….

"Les Femmes combattantes"

…des armées : Colonel Anne-Laure Michel, Commandant la base aérienne 125, Commandant la base de Défense Istres-Orange-Salon de Provence ; Claire Miot, Maîtresse de conférences en histoire contemporaine à Sciences…