2023/2024 admissions at Sciences Po Aix

Would you like to join our School? 1st, 2nd or 4th year, find below all the information on the access routes that will allow you to enter Sciences Po Aix in 2023/2024.
Common entrance exam for the 1st year
The entrance exam for the 1st year is common to Sciences Po Aix, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Strasbourg and Toulouse and allows you to apply at the same time to the 7 Sciences Po of the ScPo network.
The competition is based on 3 written tests and high school and baccalaureate grades.
Written tests, Saturday, April 22, 2023:
1. Contemporary questions (duration: 3h, coefficient 3, dissertation, one subject to choose from two).2023 themes: “Fear” and “food”.
Expected relating to the 2023 Contemporary Issues test.
Bibliography: Fear – Food.
2. History (duration: 2h, coefficient 3, analysis of documents, a single subject).
The analysis is guided by an instruction, the study of documents corresponds to what is practiced during the written exercises of the Terminale class as part of the continuous assessment.Program: Relations between powers and political models from the 1930s to the present. Political, social and cultural history of France since the 1930s.
Expected relating to the 2023 History Test.
Subject 0.
3. Modern language (duration: 1h, coefficient 1.5, choice between English, German, Spanish and Italian).Two parts: comprehension questions and essay
Expected for the 2023 modern language test.
Subject 0 of English
These written tests will be supplemented by high school grades, available on Parcoursup:
4.The average of the marks of Terminale report cards of modern languages A and B (coefficient 0.5).
5. The average of the results obtained in the continuous assessment of the teaching of specialties 1 and 2 in Terminale (coefficient 1).
Terms of access:
A total of about 1100 places is offered.
Access to the competition is exclusively reserved for candidates who have obtained their baccalaureate in 2022 or are preparing for the baccalaureate in 2023.Holders of a French or foreign diploma or title admitted as an equivalence are accepted under the same conditions. There is no specific admission procedure for students abroad.
All candidates must take the tests of the common competition, under the same conditions, in the assignment examination centre, in Metropolitan France or on a remote site. Calendar.
For all candidates, registration for the common competition is done via Parcoursup from January 18 to March 8, 2023.
The registration fee for the joint competition is €180 (€50* for scholarship holders of the current year). Payment will be made directly on the Parcoursup platform.
* provided that this amount is voted by the CAs of the institutions.
See the annals of the entrance exam in 1st year.
Expected available on the ScPo Network website.
Franco-German curriculum (Sciences Po Aix – Universität Freiburg)
The entrance exam for the 1st year to integrate the Franco-German curriculum of Sciences Po Aix in partnership with the University of Fribourg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) is divided into two stages:
Written tests: Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Oral tests: Thursday 27 and Friday 28 April 2023
Find all the information on the Franco-German curriculum here and ask all your questions during 3 online presentation meetings, led by the course managers: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 6:30 pm (zoom.us/j/97044155323); Thursday 1 December 2022 at 18:00 (zoom.us/j/92940018648) and Thursday 19 January 2023 at 18:00 (zoom.us/j/93990252956).
Entrance exam for the 2nd year
The entrance exam for the 2nd year at Sciences Po Aix will be held on Saturday, March 25, 2023.Access to the competition is exclusively reserved for candidates who have validated (or are in the process of being validated during the competition) at least 60 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System).
The competition consists of three written tests:
1. Contemporary Issues (duration: 3h, dissertation).Themes 2023: “The Environment” and/or “Work“.
2. Language (duration: 1h30).Choice of candidate: English, German, Spanish, Italian.
3. Specialty (duration: 3h, dissertation).Choice of candidate: History, Economics, Political Science, Constitutional Law.
Terms & registration:
A total of 30 places are offered.
Registration is open from 5 January to 23 February 2023 inclusive, on the Sciences Po Aix registration platform.
Registration fee: 120 € – 60 € for scholarship holders.
Annals 2020: Specialties test; Contemporary Issues Event; Language test (German | English | Spanish | Italian).
Annals 2018: Specialties test; Contemporary Issues Event; Language test.
Annals 2017: Specialties test; Contemporary Issues Event; Language test.
Entry into Grade 4
Entry into the 4th year at Sciences Po Aix is for students who have validated a bac +3 (or in the process of obtaining a bac +3), i.e. 180 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System). The 4th year of the Sciences Po Aix Diploma is coupled with the Master 1.
Recruitment is based on a file and an interview (for those eligible).
Candidates will submit an online application for eligibility.
Those eligible will then be invited to a motivation/knowledge interview.
Terms & registration:
A total of 30 places are offered.
Registration is open from 5 January to 15 March 2023 inclusive, on the Sciences Po Aix registration platform.
Registration fee: 120 € – 60 € for scholarship holders.