Home Live in Sciences Po Aix Schooling Digital Campus

Digital Campus

Equinox is the online teaching and learning environment of Sciences Po Aix. The digital campus is a portal for accessing distance learning courses, but it can also be used to enhance and support face-to-face courses.

You will be able to follow your courses in streaming, and will find the content of the courses, teaching resources (texts, audio, video), as well as useful documentary resources for the various subjects you will be studying throughout your course.

To log in

Equinox is your portal to all Sciences Po Aix digital tools. To log in, use your personal digital account.


Sciences Po Aix TV

With Sciences Po Aix TV, follow your courses in streaming! Your teachers will tell you how to follow and how each of their courses works. Live or in replay, follow the conferences organised at Sciences Po Aix!

Your teaching platform

The teaching platform is an essential tool for the success of your studies at Sciences Po Aix. You will find teaching aids submitted by your teachers, course syllabi or reference bibliographies for the different subjects you will study during your university course.


Your email address

All students have an e-mail address such as : prenom.nom@etu-univ.amu.fr as well as an access to Microsoft Outlook. This email address is available to you to communicate with your teachers and the Sciences Po Aix administration. It allows you to receive official information such as the exam calendar.
Connect regularly!


Your dissertation and internship reports

Do you have a 4th year dissertation or an internship report to submit? Go to the dedicated digital platform!


Your timetable

The digital timetable allows you to consult your timetable and your classrooms throughout the year.
You will also find the dates of exam periods and school holidays.


Your applications

In 2A, you must apply on the application platform for your mobility wishes in 3A.
Also, at the end of your 4A, you are asked to apply directly on the Sciences Po Aix platform for your Master 2.


