Home Careers Entrepreneurship


To try the entrepreneurial adventure is to choose to flourish both personally and professionally. Each year, Sciences Po Aix students benefit from many entrepreneurial opportunities, thanks in particular to a network of actors that support them, such as Pépite Provence and Les Entrep' Aix-Marseille.

Entrep’ Aix-Marseille

The program offered by Entrep’ Aix-Marseille is an opportunity to test your entrepreneurial skills, immersed in the reality of the field, accompanied by professionals.

The program offers 21 training streams and has more than 20 project teams each year. 

aixmarseille@lesentrep.fr or 06 49 73 51 63.


Nugget Provence

An idea, a project or a business to develop?From the desire to undertake to the well-defined project, Pépite Provence accompanies students at every stage of their adventure thanks in particular to the Student Entrepreneur Status.

PEPITE is a Student Pole for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship initiated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, aiming to generalize the dissemination of the entrepreneurial culture and innovation among young people in higher education and to promote the transition to the entrepreneurial act of students and young graduates wishing to undertake. (age limit 28 years)



Annual Events


Head of the system: Anne Martin


Phone : +33 (0)4 65 04 70 79

Entrep’ Aix-Marseille