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€950 per month). Organisations managing private student residences: www.adele.org – www.nexity-studea.com www.fac-habitat.com – www.estudines.com – www.adoma.fr – www.unme-asso.com (non exhaustive list) Intergenerational sharing Three types of formula are proposed: Free…

Media Office

…QUENARD : louisquenard@gmail.com: Club contact details : Instagram : @hertzenprovence Facebook : Hertz en Provence Quali’son is the podcast association of Sciences Po Aix. Students can come and talk about…

Common entrance exam for 1st year

Admission requirements The joint competition is open to candidates with the baccalauréat (or equivalent: foreign diplomas and DAEU) 2023 and to holders of the baccalauréat (or equivalent: foreign diplomas and…

Composition of the Management Committee

…External Relations and Student Life (DREVE) Mr Guillaume HERMARY, Secretary General (SG) Mrs Sonia SCHAUB, Cabinet Director (CAB) Mr Mohamed TOZY, Deputy Director of the MESOPOLHIS research unit, research delegate…

Diploma from Sciences Po Aix, Franco-German course

Communication / European affairs / Social affairs / Accounting, management, finance / Consulting, auditing, analysis, expertise / Culture / International relations / Management, strategy, development / Research / Environment /…

Certificate in People Management and Organizational Performance

…performance with indicators Change management Analyse the change and understand its consequences Accompanying staff through change Optimising the organisation’s performance Communication Defining the objectives of the communication strategy and identifying…