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Entry into 4th year

…is completed, the admissions department of the 4th year competition informs the candidate by e-mail that his/her application has been validated and that he/she is finally registered for the competition….

Entry to the 4th year via the Khâgne / BEL procedure

…be able to make any changes after their registration. Any changes (e.g. address) must be communicated by e-mail to the following address: accueil.scolarite@sciencespo-aix.fr. Candidates who are declared eligible for the…

Certificate in People Management and Organizational Performance

…performance with indicators Change management Analyse the change and understand its consequences Accompanying staff through change Optimising the organisation’s performance Communication Defining the objectives of the communication strategy and identifying…

IEP for everyone

This association allows students in their final year of high school preparing for the concours commun to receive help from Sciences Po Aix students. In addition, the association organises mock…


The aim of CASA is to create a social link between students and these young asylum seekers. It is an opportunity to make touching and meaningful encounters, in order to…