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Tailor-made training

Training for companies, local authorities, associations… The Sciences Po Aix continuing education service offers you the possibility of organising tailor-made training courses to suit your needs. These short courses can…

Prép' ENM

Description of the course The course is intended for a group of about forty students who are motivated by competitive examinations in the legal profession. It is provided by a…

Admission to General Preparation

…employees who meet the conditions for an internal or external category A competition. Tests Admission is decided by a pedagogical committee based on a study of the application file, which…

Sciences Po Aix Diploma in Continuing Education

…and working methods; to prepare for category A administrative competitions. to diversify one’s fields of competence and possibly complete another range of knowledge and skills acquired through training or experience….

IRA Talent Prep

…modest backgrounds to prepare for the external and/or 3rd competitive entrance exams to the IRAs by providing them with reinforced pedagogical support, financial assistance and special coaching. Accompaniment : Educational…